This post is to resume blog activity again after a couple of hectic months, I've got a few things I've been waiting to show around – not intentionally – so I'm glad to do it now finally.
First, the project I was working on this summer, an animated music video for The Heavenly Spheres who kindly offered me to pick up one of the songs of their upcoming album and get all creative with it. Oblivion was the chosen one.
For me this was a perfect excuse to get back to animating and trying out a few ideas I was playing with since the times I was doing traditional animation. That is doing something simple, a feasible one man job that wouldn't end up in countless days drawing 30 full animation seconds, considering that the track is more than 4 minutes long.
The idea was to do something atmospheric so more than basing on the lyrics I spent a few days focusing on the melody and tone and came up with the idea of the tree changing back in time through the seasons, making it dreamy like the song. The hand drawn animated bits were produced during my days in Formentera and then put it all together with After Effects once back in London. It was a great chance for me to getting into this software, it's truly truly easy to understand and use so thanks to those who designed it.
For now the only way you can watch the video is downloading it HERE at least until the band uploads it on you tube when the album hits out. Be patient and you'll enjoy a hi-res version of it. Hope you like it.
PS. Was lucky enough to enjoy The National play last night in the Brixton Academy. Really enjoyed it, thanks to my friends Josep and Marta who kindly invited me.