Well, one post a month is better than none. Isn't it?
I wanted to upload one of the last illustrations I did for the After Life project that due to work overload issues wasn't shown on the Barbican's website.
After Life was a very fresh and original combination between opera, documentary and stage design; amazing work by Michel van der Aa. Also I had my first chance to see the Barbican's concert hall, I'm so grateful!
Here's the memory this illustration is based on; by Magda.
"I was trying to think of a memory and suddenly came across this one. I haven't thought about it for so long and that's why I'd like to take it with me - not to forget about it anymore.
I was 8 or 9, it was summer holidays. As usual me, my mum and her partner went on a road trip to some place in Europe, might've been Austria or Germany, somewhere in the lake district. At some point we found ourselves at some camping site overlooking the lake, rented a bungalow and went to the rocky beach. It reminded me of another summer holidays when my grandma took me to the lake and crayfishes were creeping all around. I started to talk to my mun how I want to tell my grandma all about this trip when we come back, especially as I knew she was unwell when we were leaving. And then my mum told me that I won't be able to tell my grandma anything because she passed away the same day we started our journey and she didn't want to tell me not to ruin my holidays. "