The new year has been here for only 10 days but it somehow feels we've been in it forever.
It's not that I have nostalgia for 2010 (I usually have it even for 4 hours ago), but I still have a lot of things from last year I want to post about. It's just am not a very good blogger.
I'll start with the poster I did during Christmas for The Destroyed Room who are soon touring Spain and wanted something for their next gig in Madrid. I was inspired from a picture I took many years ago of a demolished house in the Les Corts district in Barcelona. It's quite amazing the contrast between the high rise office buildings in Diagonal and the single story house bits in the streets behind. I believe they could be refurbished into great studios but instead they're being knocked down. Easy and cheap. Some are are a hundred years old...
wow great one! orange sky!! I truly like this decadent nostalgic atmosphere in southern country! Your work has been sophisticated one by one, I look forward to seeing how it goes!